
About Coloradans for Common Sense

Coloradans for Common Sense (CCS) is a voluntary membership organization, started and led by former State Treasurer Mark Hillman. CCS is committed to Constitutional Freedom, Limited Government and Personal Responsibility and supports only candidates who are committed to these conservative principles. We also insist that candidates be willing to do the hard work to advance freedom piece-by-piece, not simply by bragging about high-profile, long-shot bills that will never pass.

With your help, CCS supports conservatives in key races who will fight for these principles — and fights to defeat liberals who do not. Coloradans for Common Sense does not participate in contested primary elections.  We focus solely on defeating big-government liberals and so-called “progressives” in November! Coloradans for Common Sense keeps costs to a bare minimum in order to use your contributions where they can most directly help conservative candidates. If you have questions, click HERE.

Coloradans for Common Sense.
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