MUST READS: Health care

by | Apr 11, 2008 | Must Reads, Notes

Mandating health insurance is big mistake – Paul Hsieh, MD, Denver Post
Sen. Bob Hagedorn would force all Coloradans to purchase mandatory health insurance because it would be "immoral" to "sit on our hands and do nothing."  Massachusetts also requires all residents to purchase health insurance, but rather than creating high-quality affordable health care, the result has been skyrocketing costs, worsened access, and lower quality health care.

Safety net hospitals hit hard by Mass. reform – Wall St. Journal
Before Massachusetts’s universal health-care law was put in place Cambridge Health Alliance says the state reimbursed it for the full cost of providing care to the uninsured. Now, the hospital system is getting paid for 60% to 70% of its cost for those patients and anticipates losses of $25-$35 million.

Canada’s original health care model ‘in crisis’ – Investors Business Daily
Quebec’s former health minister is tacitly admitting that the system he helped create is not sustainable. It has, as Claude Castonguay has succinctly noted, reached "a crisis point."

Politicians add more mandates to health care costs
J.P. Wieske and Victoria C. Bunce, Wall Street Journal

To hear some of the presidential candidates, you’d think that health-insurance companies are the driving force behind the growing cost of health insurance. The more likely culprits are our politicians and the laws they pass. Although there were only a handful of state mandates in the 1960s, there are now 1,961 nationwide — up from 1,901 a year ago.


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One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils of this world can be cured by legislation.

— Thomas B. Reed

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