MUST READS: Passing the buck to our children

by | Jan 10, 2008 | Must Reads, Notes

Saving Our Future Requires Tough Choices Today
David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States

The eye-opening, unvarnished truth about the fiscal condition of the United States government, directly from the Governmental Accountability Office.  (PDF file)

U.S. Comptroller says Medicare program endangers fiscal stability
CBS News

"What’s going on right now is we’re spending more money than we make…we’re charging it to credit card…and expecting our grandchildren to pay for it. And that’s absolutely outrageous," says David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States.

‘Change’ for our children
By Robert Samuelson

The big lie of campaign 2008 — so far — is that the presidential candidates, Democratic and Republican, will take care of our children. Instead, candidates make more promises to make goverment ‘do more’ — ignoring the fiscal train wreck that will saddle today’s children with either an unbearable tax burden or no social safety net whatsover.


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Quote of the Day

We have come, wrongly and ignorantly, to regard serious religious practice and belief as acceptable only to the degree that it squares conveniently with our late modern materialist, individualist, pluralist, and secularist values in Western culture.

— Carl Raschke, professor of religious studies, Univ. of Denver

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