Pro-life Dems could block ObamaCare

by | Jul 23, 2009 | Blog, Notes

If it’s such a political “loser” to be on the pro-life side of the abortion issue, someone forgot to tell 39 Democrats in the U.S. Congress who appear to be prepared to block the House health care “reform” bill unless it specifically prohibits the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions, CBS news reports:

Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak said he is “optimistic” that his campaign to include explicit language comndemning the use of federal funds for abortion in the House health care bill will pass the House Energy and Commerce Committee.


Stupak told CBS News that he feels confident that “a minimum of thirty nine” Democrats would join him in opposing the legislation proposed by House leaders should the abortion language not be written in.


“I am optimistic that we will get an amendment,” in the House Energy and Commerce committee which has recessed their mark up of the health care bill in question, the congressman said. However, should the bill leave the committee without banning the use of federal money for abortions Stupak and his collegues will “demand” a house floor vote on the specific issue.

In an interview with “CBS Evening News” anchor Katie Couric yesterday, President Barack Obama said he did not want to “wade into” the issue of whether or not health care reform should include federal funding for abortions.

Stupak admitted that the president is probably using “good political judgement to try to avoid” the issue of abortion coverage in the health care debate “but you can’t.”


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