Last week, NBC News claimed that the flagging support for ObamaCare was due to “[M]isperceptions about the president’s plans for reform … that nonpartisan fact-checkers say are untrue.”  Fortunately, Heritage Foundation took the trouble to fact check the fact-checkers at NBC.

So, when our teleprompted President or scripted Democrat lawmakers like Betsy Markey tell you that Obamacare won’t:

  • Provide health benefits to illegal immigrants,
  • Lead to a government takeover of the health care system,
  • Use taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions, or
  • Allow government to ration health care

You can be well armed with hard facts simply by following the documentation provided by Heritage.

One Thought on “Know the facts about ObamaCare”

  • Markey has announced that she will not vote for HR3200 as it now stands, preferring instead to pursue Medicare reform and tort reform. She says HR3200 is ‘too expensive’.

    There is a good article on why we should not be distracted by the public option ‘debate’:

    So my question is this: Is Markey coming to her senses, or is her current position a smoke screen to allow focus on the ‘issues’ described in that article?

    And where is John Salazar in all this?

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