‘Nonprofits,’ big bucks advance Dems’ agenda

by | Oct 6, 2008 | Blog, Notes | 1 comment

Although it’s a week behind the excellent series by FaceTheState.com, at least The Denver Post isn’t ignoring FTS’ good work in uncovering details of the Democrats’ multi-million-dollar money machine and its effective work to turn Colorado blue:

The 37 organizations that collectively receive millions at the direction of the Colorado Democracy Alliance (CoDA) serve unique purposes in the progressive power brokers’ toolbox.

They build voting blocs, provide policy research, shape media communications, train progressive leaders or encourage civic engagement, according to the alliance’s organizing documents.

CoDA executive director Laurie Zeller laid out a bit of the largely secretive alliance’s game plan at a meeting at the Democratic National Convention.

But here’s my question:  if the Post learned about CoDA’s network during the DNC in August, why didn’t it bother to report to the public until October?  And why no coverage in Sunday’s paper, despite coverage in Friday’s and today’s editions?

Still, the Post’s report does a nice job blowing the whistle on “Colorado Ethics Watch” which exists for no reason other than to harass Republicans and, for good measure, an occasional (usually blameless) Democrat.

The sheet also names Colorado Ethics Watch, the state branch of a Washington-based group. Ethics Watch frequently targets all levels of Republican lawmakers with lawsuits and ethical complaints. Colorado Media Matters and ProgressNow also made the 2006 list.

Ethics Watch director Chantell Taylor declined to say whether she worked with the alliance.

“All (the documents) show is CoDA’s insight on these things but nothing specific about how we were involved,” Taylor said. “Our funding sources are confidential. We’re not required to disclose our donors as a 501(c)3.”

BTW, I don’t write this to criticize the Democrats’ organization.  Even if I don’t approve of all of their tactics, I’m envious of their game plan, cooperation and funding resources.  Until Republicans get our act together and stop the circular firing squad in which we seek out reasons to oppose each other instead of reasons to cooperate, we will continue to watch helplessly as Democrats rack up more wins.


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Government is like a baby: an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.

— Ronald Reagan

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